15 Nov 2024
In the past, we’ve spoken about the leading role that pre-treatment septic systems play in the wastewater treatment process and also, about the necessity of using one.
Although these systems come in varying forms and sizes, what is it that you should know before putting your hands on one? And how is that relevant to choosing the type of pre-treatment septic system most likely to fit your needs?
That is exactly what we are here to find out. Stick with us and we will get you acquainted with the main things that you might want to hear before choosing one.
Let’s start by reviewing what a pre-treatment system is, what it does, and what are the main types available in the market.
In the septic landscape, a pre-treatment system is the first toll that wastewater goes through. It is where the effluent is temporarily buffered and where non-organic materials are removed.
A pre-treatment system prepares the fluid for the upcoming and rigorous process responsible for restoring the precious fluid’s properties. Let’s zoom in for a minute and see in better detail what is it that these systems do.
Pre-treatment systems are essential to the treatment process and in this list, we will summarize each of the aspects that this system simultaneously deals with.
It might sound redundant or obvious, but as the effluent settles inside of the pre-treatment system, it weights the solids down and also it brings lighter substances to the top, accounting for a consistent effluent.
Secondly, it filters out all of the materials that microbes can’t break down or digest. Without this process, septic systems would become inefficient and less capable of enduring for a larger period.
Pre-treatment systems offer wide storage and that allows septic installers to implement automated logic, resulting in a larger number of alternatives.
One other very important factor that we cannot ignore is that these systems simplify the transportation of the effluent through each stage of the treatment process. A more consistent effluent means minimal build-up risks, easier transportation, fewer energy losses due to smaller frictions, and last but not least, predictable working conditions that can easily be paired with appropriate septic machinery.
The list goes on and on. There is hardly another system capable of performing so many relevant tasks all at once.
After this discussion, you might have figured out a couple of moves that you didn’t know that your septic tank could handle. These systems are so common, that some times, we tend to forget how indispensable they truly are.
Here is a couple of things that would happen if you ignored using a pre-treatment system.
To better understand what these systems do, why don’t we hover over the principles of wastewater and study the treatment that these systems offer in more detail?
We’ve long rambled upon systems, components, and septic details, but let’s not forget that the main character of this story is the wastewater.
In most cases, at least in residential applications, wastewater is constituted of 99% water contaminated with a relatively small quantity of organic matter, dissolved and suspended solids, nutrients, and pathogens. All of which must be removed before the water leaves the <a> soil treatment area </a> to settle back in the water reservoir.
Due to the proprietary chemistry of water and its inevitable goodness as a universal solvent, it mixes with all kinds of particles with enviable easiness and for that reason, treating wastewater requires us to step up our septic game beyond just filtering dirt out.
That is precisely the same motivation towards more advanced primary treatment alternatives.
The way your septic tank works is that the tank maintains an active population of microbes that act on the effluent and mineralize undesired solids.
Although all pre-treatment systems are conceived under the same principle, this bacterial activity can be incentivized with the injection of air, which more advanced treatment systems, often referred to as ATU’s do.
Advanced treatment units also offer disinfection systems, If you would like to hear more about them, feel invited to join our discussion on the differences between <a> aerobic and anaerobic systems</a>.
Taking a conventional gravel system as an example, we will depict how a pre-treatment system fits on the larger scale of the treatment process. Commonly the choice of family houses and small businesses, the system is composed of a septic tank and a drain field.
The installation requires earth movement and preparation, a Septic Tank, a distribution box, and the components required for the construction of the drain field.
The working principle is the same as explained above. It. starts in the tank, with bacteria helping separate the sludge from the sewage water, and then the earth filters the water and microbes after being piped out of the tank and to the drain system.
A septic system consists of several pieces of equipment destined to treat the effluent at different levels. One of the most critical is the <a> Septic Tank </a>. Used not only to reduce the levels of contamination of the effluent until a point that the soil can tolerate but also filter out the inorganic matter that microbes in the soil cannot digest.
So, the kind of land application and distribution system utilized depends on the quality of pre-treatment that we can offer.
The first step after performing an on-site evaluation would be to proceed with the septic design and choose the equipment. After the equipment has been chosen, all it takes to do is to proceed with the installation, which gravitates around placing the septic tank.
Not because it is the core of the most important piece of the septic system, but rather because its dimensions and considerable weight, which require more effort. After everything is in place, there is not much for you to worry about.
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